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Functional capacity evaluations are done to determine the current physical capabilities or limitations of an injured employee and to assess whether they can physically return to their job description. It is a comprehensive evaluation lasting 2-3 hours including a musculoskeletal evaluation, cardiovascular assessment, and functional testing. This test is helpful in determining the validity of effort and documenting inconsistencies if present.

This is a highly specialized service in which extensive physical and evaluative testing is done that will answer the following questions:

  • Can this person return to work safely?
  • How severe is the client’s pain?
  • What type of job can a person physically handle?
  • What are a candidate’s safe lifting tolerances?
  • What work accommodations could be made to allow this person back to work?
  • What is the next appropriate step in regards to rehabilitation?
  • What are candidate’s cardiovascular and physical endurance limitations for working?
  • What are positional tolerances for standing, sitting, walking?

Contact us at Tyler, TX center to learn how we can help your employees return to work quickly and safely!